Last month I took part in a discussion with Rep. Terri Cortvriend and Rep. Laura Carson about Aquidneck Island sea-level rise and the subsequent coastal planning that’s taking place. I was also joined by Mark Thomspon (Newport Restoration Foundation) and Bob Rulli (Town of Warren) for this meeting on local response strategies.
You can watch my entire PowerPoint presentation in the embedded video below. I touches on several important topics such as coastal living desirability, sea level rise predictions, FEMA regulations, new constructions, major hurricanes, increased sea surface temperatures, mitigating flood risks, a Staten Island case study and more. I conclude with several recommendations for coastal home owners and also a stark reminder from the hurricane of ’38 and its effects on Island Park in Portsmouth, RI.
Here’s some press links on the discussion:
– What’s Up Newport
Aquidneck Island Climate Caucus forum to ask: Retreat from rising sea, or raise buildings?
– EcoRI News
East Bay Communities Search for Answers on How to Protect Properties from Sea-Level Rise and Flooding
And one of our old blog posts on the subject:
– Narragansett Engineering Inc
Building in Flood Zones – a Client Primer